姓名 | 崔振宇 |
导师资质 | 博士生导师 |
职称 | 教授 |
职务 | |
所在系 | 复合材料系 |
最高学位及获取院校 | 博士,浙江大学 |
办公电话 | 02283955801 |
邮箱 | cuizheyhh@163.com(考生请先将个人简历发至邮箱) |
通信地址及邮编 | 天津市西青区宾水西道399号材料科学与工程学院,300387 |
办公地址 | 6B429 |
教育背景及工作经历 2008年9月毕业于浙江大学高分子化学与物理专业,获博士学位 2008年9月至今在天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院工作,加盟“绿色催化与膜分离材料”创新团队 2012年8月-2015年7月在瓮福(集团)有限责任公司博士后工作站工作 |
研究领域 1.聚合物膜的制备、结构调控及应用开发 2.聚合物膜的复合、杂化、功能化改性及应用开发 3.膜集成与膜耦合工艺开发 |
讲授课程 为本科生“膜分离技术”课程、为研究生开设“膜分离工程”课程,指导本科生大型综合实验“聚合物中空纤维超滤膜的制备与性能测试” |
在研课题(按时间顺序) 1.基于“分散、絮凝”功效高抗污染超滤膜表面微结构的构筑及“主动-被动”协同抗污染机制研究,国家自然科学基金(NO. 22178267),2022.1-2025.12。主持 2.基于“表面沉积-杂化交联”工艺中空纤维纳滤分离层的构建与微结构调控,国家自然科学基金(NO.21978213),2020.1-2023.12。主持 3.企业课题,1项,主持 已结题课题(按时间顺序) 1. 相转化耦合成膜方式下膜微结构的形成机制与调控,国家自然科学基金(NO.21576209),2016.1-2019.12。主持 2.耦合相转化成膜方式下聚砜膜微结构的形成机制与调控,天津市自然科学基金(NO.16JCYBJC18100),2016.4-2019.3。主持 3. 网状孔结构聚烯烃锂离子电池隔膜的制备与结构调控,中国博士后科学基金(2013M541183),2013.9-2015.5。主持 4. 高电导率、低电解液泄漏锂离子电池隔膜的制备与结构调控,国家自然科学基金(51003074),2011.1-2013.12。主持 5. 横向课题,2项 |
作品、成就及荣誉 发表文章 1. Chenyang Song, Shenyi Tang, Zhenyu Cui* et al., Design of microstructure for hollow fiber loose nanofiltration separation layer and its compactness-tailoring mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 421 (2022) 126800. 2. Qianqian Wei, Chengyuan Wu, Jing Zhang, Zhenyu Cui*, Tao Jiang, Jianxin Li, Fabrication of surface microstructure for the ultrafiltration membrane based on “active–passive” synergistic antifouling and its antifouling mechanism of protein, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 169 (2021) 105068. 3. Yi Yang, Zihan Tian, Zhenyu Cui*, Fabrication of hollow fiber loose nanofiltration separation layers based on nucleophilic addition and Schiff base reactions and the investigation on separation performance of low molecular weight dye/salt systems, Journal of Membrane Science, 640 (2021) 119761. 4. Lei Bian, Cong Shen, Zhenyu Cui* et al., Compactness-tailored hollow fiber loose nanofiltration separation layers based on “chemical crosslinking and metal ion coordination” for selective dye separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 620 (2021) 118948. 5. Zhenghua Guo, Yi Yang, Zhenyu Cui*, Jianxin Li** et al., Preparation of PVDF membrane based on “In-situ Template-TIPS” technology and the investigation on membrane formation mechanism, microstructure regulation and permeability, Journal of Membrane Science, 620(2021) 118839. 6. Cong Shen, Jingkui Yang, Zhenyu Cui* et al. The investigation of hydrophilic modification of membrane surface based on the mono-esterification between maleic anhydride and polyethylene glycol: response surface methodology, reaction kinetics and performance analysis, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 112 (2020) 193-201. 7. Shang Xiang, Zhenghua Guo, Yuelin Wang, Haihui Liu, Jing Zhang, Zhenyu Cui*, Hong Wang, Jianxin Li, The microstructure regulation, strengthening, toughening and hydrophilicity of polyamide6 in fabricating poly (vinylidene fluoride)-based flat membrane via the thermally induced phase separation technique, European Polymer Journal, 126 (2020) 109568.8. Cong Shen, Lei Bian, Pengfei Zhang, Bang An, Zhenyu Cui*, Hong Wang, Jianxin Li**, Microstructure evolution of bonded water layer and morphology of grafting membrane with different polyethylene glycol length and their influence on permeability and anti-fouling capacity, Journal of Membrane Science, 601 (2020) 117949. 9. Pengfei Zhang, Shang Xiang, Hao Wang, Yuelin Wang, Jing Zhang, Zhenyu Cui*, Jianxin Li, Benqiao He, Understanding the multiple functions of styrene-co-maleic anhydride in fabricating polyvinylidene fluoride hollow fiber membrane via coupled phase inversion process and its effect on surface infiltration behavior and membrane permeability, Journal of Membrane Science, 590 (2019) 117269. 10. Zhenyu Cui*, Xiuxiu Tang, Wei Lin, Haonan Liu, Jing Zhang, Hong Wang, Jianxin Li, EVOH in situ fibrillation and its effect of strengthening, toughening and hydrophilic modification on PVDF hollow fiber microfiltration membrane via TIPS process, Journal of Materials Science, 2019,54(7): 5971–5987. 11. Zhenyu Cui*, Wei Li, Haiyi Zeng, Xiuxiu Tang, Jing Zhang, Shuhao Qin, Na Han,Jianxin Li, Fabricating PVDF hollow fiber microfiltration membrane with a tenon-connection structure via the thermally induced phase separation process toenhance strength and permeability, European Polymer Journal, 2019, 111: 49–62. 12. Zhenyu Cui*, Shanshan Xu, Jinyue Ding, Jing Zhang, Benqiao He, Hao Wang, and Jianxin Li, The Effect of Diluent Mixture with Upper Critical Solution Temperature on Membrane Formation Process, Microstructure, and Performance of PVDF Hollow Fiber Membrane by TIPS Process, Polymers, 2018, 10 (719):1-17. 13. Zhiguo Wu, Zhenyu Cui*, Tianyu Li, Shuhao Qin, Benqiao He, Na Han, Jianxin Li,Fabrication of PVDF-based blend membrane with a thin hydrophilic deposition layer and a network structure supporting layer via the thermally induced phase separation followed by non-solvent induced phase separation process, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 419: 429-438. 14. Qiao Cheng, Zhenyu Cui*, Jiangbo Li, Shuhao Qin, Feng Yan, Jianxin Li, Preparation and performance of polymer electrolyte based on poly(vinylidene fluoride)/polysulfone blend membrane via thermally induced phase separation process for lithium ion battery, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 266: 401-413. 15. Ting Ma, Zhenyu Cui*, Ying Wu, Shuhao Qin, Hong Wang, Feng Yan, Na Han, Jianxin Li, Preparation of PVDF based blend microporous membranes for lithium ion batteries by thermally induced phase separation:Ⅰ. Effect of PMMA on the membrane formation process and the properties, Journal of Membrane Science.,2013, 444: 213-222. 申请专利 1.一种聚合物增韧膜的制备方法及其制品,中国发明专利,201910076192.7。 2.一种高强度中空纤维膜的制备方法及产品,中国发明专利,201810357310.7。 3.一种从含氯磷矿石中分离回收氯离子的方法,中国发明专利,201410365059.0。 4.一种从磷矿选矿废水中回收浮选药剂的方法,中国发明专利,201310611597.9。 获奖 获中国纺织工业联合会科学技术一等奖和天津市科学技术进步二等奖各1项。 |