







男,19627月出生,山东省莱州人,博士,教授,博士生导师。国务院政府特殊津贴专家、天津市杰出津门学者、天津市特聘教授、天津市高层次创新型科技领军人才、131创新型人才培养工程第一层次人才。中国纺织工程学会理事,中国纺织教育学会理事,天津市化学会理事。高性能纤维及纺织复合材料技术国家地方联合工程中心副主任、天津市先进纤维与储能技术重点实验室主任。先后主持承担和参与承担国家军工重点科技计划项目、国家自然科学基金、国家科技攻关、天津市新材料重大专项、天津市(重点)自然科学基金和企业横向合作项目30余项。第一完成人获得国家技术发明二等奖 1 项,中国纺织工业协会科技一等奖、天津市技术发明二等奖等省部级科技奖等6 项,教学成果二三等奖4项。获得国家发明专利32 项。第一作者、通讯作者在ACS Applied Interfacial SurfaceChemical Engineering JournalEnergy和《高等学校化学学报》等国内外学术刊物发表论文 200余篇,SCI 收录论文H 因子27,主编《碳纳米管、石墨烯纤维与薄膜》、《新型与特种纤维》和《相变材料胶囊制备与应用》等专著,参编国家级规划教材等4部。



1. 天津市新材料重大专项高强、防静电石墨烯/通用聚合物基复合材料,项目编号:16ZXCLGX00090201610-20199月,总经费800万元,资助经费75万元。负责人。

2. 横向合作项目,石墨烯协同增效聚合物相变材料及其纤维应用,2017.11-2020.10,合同经费280万元。负责人。

3. 碳纳米管、石墨烯增强涤纶工业丝的实验研究,横向合作项目,2018.01-2021.01,合同经费90万元。负责人。

4. 2018年天津市科技军民融合重大专项高性能、低成本聚丙烯腈碳纤维前驱体的研制, 项目编号:18ZXJMTG00110 132.5万元,2018.10-2021.09。主要成员。

5. 国家重点研发计划重点基础材料技术提升与产业化专项—“高性能聚酯与聚酰胺66工业丝制备技术,项目编号:2016YFB03030001860万元,201607-202006。本校负责人。

6. 国家重点研发计划水资源高效开发利用重点专项纺织火电行业水系统优化与标准体系及管理平台构建,项目编号:2016YFC04005092016.07 -2019.12309万元。本校负责人。

7. 横向合作项目,相变材料微胶囊、芳香微胶囊、储热调温纤维技术开发, 2011.06-2021.06390万元。负责人。

8. 横向合作项目,相变储能微胶囊研发及产业化项目,2016.04.20-2019.0345万元。负责人。

9. 横向合作项目,防辐射材料研制,2015.10-2016.0642万元,已结项。负责人。

10. 横向合作项目,熔纺第二、第三单体改性丙烯腈共聚物纤维及其性能研究,2015.12-2017.1140万元,已结项。负责人。

11. 横向合作项目,高性能双组分调温纤维的研制及年产100吨生产试验,2009.07-2011.06100万元,已结项。负责人。

12. 国家十二五军工配套科研计划项目,xxxx复合材料用热塑性纤维的研制,2013.06-2015.12241万元,已验收。主要成员。

13. 天津市应用基础与前沿计划重点项目,基于Friedel-Crafts酰化反应构建轻质高性能复合纤维,项目编号:13JCZDJC321002013.04-2016.0320万元,已验收。负责人。

14. 国家十一五军工配套科研计划项目,xxxx降温服材料的国产化研究2010.09-2012.12191万元,已验收。张兴祥。


1. Li Yongbing, Liu Haihui, Wang Xuechen, Zhang Xingxiang*, Fabrication and performance of wool keratin/ functionalized graphene oxide composite fibers, Materials Today Sustainability, online (DOI:10.1016/j.mtsust.2019.100006)

2.Cao Ruirui, Wang Yuzhou, Chen Sai, Han Na, Liu Haihui, Zhang Xingxiang*, Multiresponsive shape-stabilized hexadecyl acrylate-grafted graphene as a phase change material with enhanced thermal and electrical conductivities, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11 (9): 8982–8991

3. Cao Ruirui, Pei Dongfang, Li Shuqin, Chen Sai, Li Wei, Zhang Xingxiang*, Electrospinning of thermo-regulated sheath/core submicrometer fiber with galactitol hexa palmitate as a core, Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(3): 354-363(WOS:000456530700010)

4. Wang Yu-zhou, Chen Tian, Liu Hai-hui, Wang Xue-chen, Zhang Xing-xiang*, Direct liquid phase exfoliation of graphite to produce few-layer graphene by microfluidization, Journal of Nanoscicence and Nanotechnology, 2019, 19(4): 2078-2086 (WOS:000451787200023)

5. Chen Tian, Wang Yu-zhou, Liu Hai-hui, Zhang Xing-xiang, Melt-spinning of carboxylated MWNTs reinforced polyamide 6 fibers with solid mixing nanocomposites, Polymer Composite, 2018, 39(12): 4298-4309 (WOS:00045463530000)

6. Tan Linli, Han Na*, Qian Yongqiang, Zhang Haoran, Gao Hongkun, Zhang Longfei, Zhang Xingxiang*, Superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic poly (acrylonitrile-co-methyl acrylate) membrane for highly efficient separation of oil-in-water emulsions, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 564: 712-721 (WOS:000442653900070)

7. Yin, Qing, Zhu, Zhenguo, Li, Wei*, Guo, Maolian, Wang, Yu, Wang, Jianping, Zhang, Xingxiang* Fabrication and performance of composite microencapsulated phase change materials with palmitic acid ethyl ester as core, Polymers, 2018, 10(7): 726. (WOS: 000442528400037)

8. Jinlei Miao, Haihui Liu, Yongbing Li, and Xingxiang Zhang*, Biodegradable transparent substrate based on edible starch-chitosan embedded with nature-inspired three-dimensionally interconnected conductive nanocomposites for wearable green electronics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  2018, 10(27): 23037-23047. (WOS:000439007700018)

9. Jinlei Miao, Sai Chen, Haihui Liu, Xingxiang Zhang*, Low-temperature nanowelding ultrathin silver nanowire sandwiched between polydopamine-functionalized graphene and conjugated polymer for highly stable and flexible transparent electrodes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 345 (2018) 260-270. (WOS:000430696500027)

10. Tian Chen, Haihui Liu, Xuechen Wang, Hua Zhang, Xingxiang Zhang, Properties and fabrication of PA66/surface-modified multi-walled nanotubes composite fibers by ball milling and melt-spinning, Polymers 2018, 10(5): 547; doi:10.3390/polym10050547 (WOS: 000435199300085)

11. Wanyong Yu, Na Han*, Yongqiang Qian, Xingxiang Zhang*, Wei Li, Effects of fatty acid anhydride on the structure and thermal properties of cellulose-g-polyoxyethylene (2) hexadecyl ether, Polymers 2018, 10, 498; doi:10.3390/polym10050498(WOS:000435199300036)

12. Pei Dongfang, Chen Sai, Li Wei, Zhang Xingxiang*, Poly(mono/diethylene glycol n-tetradecyl ether vinyl ether)s with various molecular weights as phase change materials, Polymers, 2018, 10(2): 197; doi:10.3390/polym10020197. (WOS:000427542900092)

13. Liu Huanbing; Pei Dongfang; Chen Sai; Cao Ruirui; Zhang Xingxiang, Fabrication and characterization of diethylene glycol hexadecyl ether-grafted graphene oxide as a form-stable phase change material, Thermochimica Acta, 2018, 661: 166-173 (WOS:000428101300019)

14. Miao Jinlei, Li Chuanbao, Liu Haihui, Zhang Xingxiang, MnO2/MWNCNTs nanocomposites as highly efficient catalyst for indoor formaldehyde removal, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18(6): 3982-3990 (WOS: 000426041100028)

15. Cao Ruirui, Chen Sai, Liu Huanbing, Liu Haihui, Zhang Xingxiang, Fabrication and characterization of thermo-responsive GO nanosheets with controllable grafting of poly(hexadecyl acrylate) chains, Journal of Material Science, 2018, 53:4103-4117 (WOS:000418294200015)

16.李树芹,陈赛,王学晨,张兴祥*,石海峰,梳状相变聚合物为芯材的复合调温纤维的制备及热性能,复合材料学报, 2018,35(1): 8-15 (EI: 20181304954887)

17. 于万永,赵磊,王宁,李春蕾,高凯,张兴祥*,聚乙烯醇-聚吡咯复合纳米纤维的制备及其导电性能,复合材料学报,2018, 35(5):1059-1065 (EI:20184105918998)

18. Wang Yu-Zhou, Chen Tian, Gao Xue-feng, Liu Hai-hui, Zhang Xing-xiang*, Liquid phase exfoliation of graphite into few layers graphene by sonication and microfluidization, Materials Express, 2017, 7(6): 491-499 DOI: 10.1166/mex.2017.1395 (WOS:000423426100006)

19. Ruirui Cao, Haihui Liu, Sai Chen, Dongfang Pei, Jinlei Miao, Xingxiang Zhang*, Fabrication and properties of graphene oxide- grafted-poly(hexadecyl acrylate) as a solid-solid phase change material, Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 149: 262-268 (WOS:000408286600030)

20. Rui-rui Cao, Xuan Li, Sai Chen, Hao-ran Yuan, Xing-xiang Zhang, Fabrication and characterization of novel shape-stabilized synergistic phase change materials based on PHDA/GO composites, Energy, 2017, 138: 157-166(WOS:000415769300014)

21. Yuan X Y, Li W*, Zhu Z G, Han N, Zhang X X*. Thermo-responsive PVDF/PSMA composite membranes with micro/nanoscale hierarchical structures for oil/water emulsion separation, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 516(5): 305-316(WOS: 000393727700033)

22. 袁晓雨,李伟,朱振国,张兴祥*,超疏水聚酯过滤织物的制备及其油水分离性能研究, 纺织学报,2017, 38(3): 108-113 (EI: 20171903649226)

23. 赵明宇,刘海辉,王学晨,张兴祥*, 石墨烯、碳纳米管协同增强蛋白质纤维的制备,纺织学报,2017, 38(2): 21-25 (EI: 20171903656049)